Friday, May 13, 2011


I have some exciting news Pilates is coming to The Hub. The Hub is not only a beautiful historic building at 673 Bourke St but a place where like minds meet to create positive change.

Now that’s what I’m all about baby! Positive and Change, we all know that change is inevitable and we can either wait for change to come to us or we can go out and cause it. The latter being a much more empowering choice. Why do we take so long to realise this is a choice, because we were not taught in school how to create positive change in ourselves so how can we create it in the world around us. We were taught to fit in and we where surrounded by people who wanted to just fit in and just fitting in or putting up with an outmoded society or body and mind for that matter is not something I was ever able to do.

Let’s just think about that for a moment, didn’t you dream when you where young of changing the world. We kinda gave up didn’t we when we realised that people wouldn’t do what we wanted to help change it. We realised that everybody else just wanted to live a quiet life. We didn’t realise that we were being taught by people that had given up on their dreams. We didn’t realise that it wasn’t about people it was about us! We needed to change; we needed to be the positive change we wanted to see. Why doesn’t that occur to us, why are we always trying to fix somebody else or something else? What did we learn in school? To do what somebody else told us to do, to follow a set of guide lines to follow everybody else, if we proved that we could follow a set of guide lines then we would get an A and everyone would validate us. We were very rarely taught to make up our own guide lines to validate ourselves.

How do we know if they are the right guide lines, how do we know how to create the right positive change? Well it’s all about you, do what’s right for you, and I mean learn what s right for you in the long run not what’s right now and you will be the change you want to see. How do we learn what’s really right for us, we learn to listen to what the body and mind needs. We surround ourselves with people that listen to their own body and mind and we learn from them, from books and from the people that have gone before us. We don’t mimic these people and books like we were taught in school, we use them as inspiration to finding our own way. Once we know what we need then we will know how to give the whole world and the people in it what it needs.

It is really simple, but as my Art teacher said to me and she got from Leonardo da Vinci and I’m sure he heard from someone else” Simplicity is often the hardest thing to master.” I realised that life is a hall of mirrors what we see out there is what we see in here (in our minds). If we learn to cultivate and see the best version of ourselves then we will learn to cultivate and see the best version of everyone else.

“When we BE the change we want to see, we see the change we want to BE”

COME AND JOIN ME FOR PILATES MONDAY NIGHTS 6pm -6:45PM TO CREATE SOME POSITIVE CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE. Beginners, old pro’s all welcome and will be challenged.
Call Heidi-Ann on 0487319610 for more info or just rock up.

STARTS: Monday 23rd May ongoing/WHERE: Hub Melbourne, Level 3, 673 Bourke St, Melbourne./PRICE: 17.50 per session 10 pack. for hub members, (casual prices also)

Hub memberships start at $22 per month and I strongly encourage you to belong to this new and emerging community. A place where minds meet, resources and expertise are shared, and real and lasting change occurs.
Whatever your background is in work and in play surround yourself with inspirational people and you will be inspiring.

Pilates Sustains YOU

Every Monday at 6pm Heidi-Ann from Pilates And The City brings a new found depth to the art of practicing Pilates. Understand your core believes are about your body and mind and you have the power to move through any limitation.

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