Friday, January 21, 2011


Tell your story in my next blog about your part in the Pilates Revolution

This blog is a call to arms to all you sedentary workers. I am using this blog for my own selfish promotional purposes (shock horror). I am going to be candid and say this is purely to convince you to get Desk Pilates into your workplace and why shouldn’t you experience the amazing program at the cost to your company if you’re not already that is. They can afford it and it is proven that companies that invest in employees wellbeing are more profitable. I’m not going to sweet talk or skate around the subject. This morning I had an epiphany, I am so passionate about this subject so why shouldn’t I tell you all of the depths of my passion and ask you all in your own small way to help me on my quest. Ok so I said selfish well, really it is for the greater good of mankind and what a better way to start the year than to do your part for man/woman kind. You see, if you help yourself you help others, if you help others, you help yourself, it goes both ways.

So what am I talking about in this crazy rant, well, it is the desperate need for us to change the situation that we find ourselves in, day after day. Chained to desks disconnected from our bodies and minds working like machines. We are not machines; we are people, subtle beautiful people who have a right to move. I want to free you from your chains and I want you to help me help others free themselves. I want to change the culture of the office forever is that too much to ask?

I want you to help me on this quest of change. People always say when it comes to getting corporate jobs, it’s who you know and you know their right. Every job has been through an amazing person who shares my passion for changing wellbeing. Have you wondered why this is, take a look out your window what do you see? Lots of big signs and big buildings with lights and lots acronyms and who is at the head of these places, who says yes! Well that is a very good question, what are these large buildings with their fancy acronyms made up of but people, wonderful people like you, day in day out working for the good of that acronym achieving amazing feats and many of them going unnoticed. So what am I getting at, you deserve a break, you deserve to know how to sit in chair without crippling back and neck pain. You deserve to stretch, relax and have quite moments of meditation everyday where you can refocus your mind regained your sanity. You deserve to have these moments often and every hour and you don’t need to be a smoker to get these. Let s not even say you deserve it, come on it is a basic human right and some of you guys are working so hard you don’t even take a lunch break What for!!!!! You are living your life right now not in 10 years time you gotta enjoy it. Maybe it’s the full moon talking but I am so jazzed about this right now that I am thumping the words out into my computer on the train like a mad woman.

Maybe I’m an idealist but don’t forget people, I did my hard time too; I worked at many desks in many offices in my acting days I get your pain. I just finished reading The Alchemist, I know, where have I been? Don’t worry I read my fare share of these books and I believe these books come to you at the time when you need them. I am passionate about making a difference globally and if anyone has read this book they will know that you must find your Own Personal Legend and this is mine. I am not going to pretend any longer that I don’t care with all my heart about people’s wellbeing. If you haven’t read this book do it now!!!!

So please if you have a work place GETS me in there to speak to the right people and if you don’t and you care about someone else who slaves over their desk everyday get me in theirs. I want to revolutionise the way we use our bodies and already there are many workplaces who are joining me in this quest but I am greedy and I want more, I want to make every second of my time on this earth count and I want you to do the same. If you are moved by the above rant then please take action, In my next blog I am going to do story’s on all the people who want to change office culture and so if you would like to feature in this blog take any of the below actions and send me an email or call me to tell me (Remember Attraction has the work action in it). Actions are;

1. Send the person who says yes to your wellbeing or the person you would like to help who works for a company a quick email NOW, say you’d like to set up a time for me to see them no obligations it’s that easy, your part done. If you have ever done any of my classes and liked them, you (yes you who is reading this) are the best person to set this up remember nothing ventured and nothing gained.

2. If you are as passionate as me and take any of the actions above I would love to hear about it even if you think you are unsuccessful just tell me you care by contacting me by phone 0487319610 or email with the details of your plight. (or even face book me and if you’re not on my face book please join me)

All results are valid and will feature in my next blog because any action taken will bring me a step closer to my dream of changing as many lives as possible with Pilates. Remember big business is a chameleon (always a lizard) and a “No” now could change to “Yes” later at the right time and with the right person. This call to arms includes my interstate and global fans and friends, will travel have no kids (Pilates is my baby).

Let’s face it; it’s really you, who is in charge of your wellbeing (not the faceless acronym) that’s why I am appealing to you.

It takes one to start a Revolution, it takes many to finish it!!!!

This is Heidi-Ann Signing out 
PS. Can’t wait to hear from you!